Budidaya Cacing Sutra (Tubifek sp) sebagai Makanan Larva Ikan


  • Nuraini Nuraini Universitas Riau
  • Syafruddin Nasution Universitas Riau
  • Afrizal Tanjung Universitas Riau
  • Henni Syawal Universitas Riau




Tubifex sp, aquaculture


This activity was carried out on May 10 - July 25, 2019 at the Ryan Farm Fish Seed Center, Rumbai Waste, which was participated by fish farmers, integrated kukerta students and a community service team of 20 people. The purpose of this Pegabdian Activity is to increase the knowledge and skills of fish farmers about silk worm cultivation, so that they are no longer dependent on the season in nature. While the benefits are expected with the knowledge and skills gained by the participants, they can utilize the Ryan Farm hatchery unit for the development of silk worm cultivation until produce it as a result of course fish larvae production can increase which ultimately can increase income for the local community. The practice activity of cultivating silk worms was carried out directly by the participants. Starting with the practice of making silk worm media then continued with the cultivation of silk worms in a basin of tofu size 35x28x11 cm for 3 weeks. The results obtained were after counseling and training based on the proposed questionnaire there was an increase in fish farming community knowledge about silkworm cultivation by 90% while after cultivation of silk worms for 3 weeks the silk worms weighing 109 g / container were obtained. The problem encountered during the practice was the growth of bloodworm populations in the medium of silkworm cultivation media.


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How to Cite

Nuraini, N., Nasution, S., Tanjung, A., & Syawal, H. (2020). Budidaya Cacing Sutra (Tubifek sp) sebagai Makanan Larva Ikan. Journal of Rural and Urban Community Empowerment, 1(1), 9-14. https://doi.org/10.31258/jruce.1.1.9-14




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